You’re an INFJ! – Personality Test

As a kid, I was fascinated by astrology and its potential ability to teach you about yourself through your astrological sign. I don’t mean horoscopes, but more the traits associated with each of the signs. I couldn’t get enough of learning what it meant to be me!

As an adult, I’ve ran into the Myers-Briggs personality type test. Specifically, this assessment is a “psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions”. In simpler terms, it takes a deeper more scientific look at your personality.

This personality test is used widely among employers, but I don’t think it should be exclusive to the work environment. It can teach you a lot about your personality by breaking it down to four determining traits.




For example, I am an INFJ:   I-introvert, N-intuitive, F-feeling, J-judging.

You are either:

Introvert or Extrovert

Intuitive or Sensing

Feeling or Thinking

Judging or Perception


The above traits are categorized as:

Introversion/ Extroversion  are “Attitudes”, preferences for the way that we function cognitively.

Intuitive/Sensing and Feeling/Thinking  are “Functions”, with intuition and sensing being information-gathering function and feeling and thinking being decision-making functions.

Judging/Perception  are “Lifestyle Preferences”, preferences to how we react to the outside world.





If you are anything like me, you will find the results of this personality test ultra-fascinating. I really can’t get enough of learning about myself.

Nifty little fact: The creator of the MBTI was the same type as me!

*I’d like to note that if you do take the test, be very critical of yourself. Choose answers that best fit how you act and feel. Don’t choose answers that sound best to you or that are ideal in your mind because you may not always act or feel that way! That also won’t result in an accurate profile.


Here are two sites that you can take the MBTI for Free:

16 Personalities



After you get your results, feel free to come back to this post and view the charts below that will tell you your Star Wars and Harry Potter personality match!


star_wars_mbti-819x1024    tumblr_mt1ji5IGDX1qf6wsqo1_1280-820x1024





Random Topic #1: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?


I think the only constant in my desires for a career as a child were animals. I always wanted to do something that was related to animals.

Some of the first careers told to you as a child were:

  • Doctor
  • Teacher
  • Astronaut
  • Pilot
  • Veterinarian
  • Firefighter
  • Police Officer
  • President
  • Soldier
  • Actor/Actress
  • Writer
  • Artist

Of course, I wanted to be a veterinarian! I mean, it is the highest or near the highest paying career you can have that involves animals. I guess they really wanted us to shoot high! Go big or go home, eh?

So for a few years that was my default answer any time an adult asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. As a child, that was a common enough question. As an adult that does the asking or hearing others that ask, I wonder if we just do it to hear the cute answers they give us. I don’t think many adults take it seriously. I mean, we just sort of chuckle when they tell us that they want to be an astronaut or doctor, right?

Returning to the original topic, my answer to this question changed a few times. One that I remember particularly was that I wanted to own a pet treat business. I wanted a little shop where I could make homemade pet treats for pet owners! I’m pretty sure that I got this idea from watching something on Animal Planet, haha.

A little while later, I got it in my head that I wanted to be an animal trainer. I wanted to understand animal behavior and work with them in that respect. I’m sure I really had my heart fixed on working with more exotic animals, but I think I would’ve settled for dogs and cats.

I have to admit that I have many interests and passions. Throughout middle school and high school, the answer of what career I wanted changed a few times. They included animal behaviorist, environmentalist, writer, teacher, translator, and historian to name a few.

Because of my indecisiveness, I’m very glad that I decided not to start college right out of high school. That would have ended badly for me and my finances.

As an adult, I can now confidently say that I want to go to school to study English as my major with the hopes of working at a publishing company. I really want to be a driving force in releasing new books into the world. I want to make a difference in helping the book industry survive even as things convert digitally. I believe it is really important for young people to develop a passion for reading if not just an interest.

If not a publishing company for books, then I’ll probably seek out an online magazine or website to write for. I think I’ll be happy as long as I’m contributing in some form or fashion.

Here’s to hoping that works out!

So, as a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?




Has the Playstation 4 Finally Done It?

Before I get into what that cryptic title means, let me give everyone a little update.

I have been living Austin now for a month. I’ve landed a great job, found an amazing apartment, and the move will be complete next Friday, June 3rd. I really can’t put into words how excited and grateful I am that everything fell into place the way I wanted. It happened so neatly, in fact, that I worry that karma is going to balance it all out and my arm might just spontaneously fall off. Haha. Let’s hope not!

Next month is the Classic Game Fest here in Austin. I will be attending that, taking lots of pictures, and sharing my experiences there. If you’re unfamiliar with it, click HERE.

So now back to my cryptic title. I might disappoint in that I don’t have any dirt or scoop on Sony or the PS4. In fact, it has more to do with me than the console itself.

A bit of backstory: I haven’t owned a console since the PS2. <Pause for shock.> When it first released, money was my first issue. Consoles are getting hella’ expensive. However, after some time I really didn’t feel a strong desire to buy it.

You may or may not know, but I’m an RPG gal. I love me some RPG’s, and I really didn’t see all that many being released for the PS3 that I was interested in. (Also, X-Box fans.. Shush. I did check there too.) Sure, Final Fantasy made it’s move forward but other than that I didn’t feel the pull to follow. Truly, a very odd thing.

Then the PS4 released and this bugger is even more expensive than the PS3. Seriously, Sony, my wallet is screaming for mercy. I didn’t buy the PS4 either.

So here I am in 2015 PlayStation-less. I really didn’t have any intention of changing my opinion. The past couple of years, I have played PC. Specifically, I played Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.

But something both shitty and magical happened recently. My graphics card started to fail, and just as I began considering how much it would cost to replace it, the Final Fantasy VII remake was revealed.

Well there you go, folks. Not only is FFXIV playable on the PS4, but now they are remaking one of my favorite games. SOLD.

I know that this remake might not meet my expectations. It might even be so bad that it’ll make me sick. But that, my dear friends, is how much sway the Final Fantasy series has over me. What can I say? I do love me a good RPG, and despite recent lackluster titles in the series, they’re rarely a bad one.

Anywho, that remake reveal sparked a tiny fire of curiosity in me. I’ve since taken the time to really explore the games released and to-be released for PS4. I’ve even touched into the PS3 realm some, and I was pleasantly surprised that I rediscovered that drive to play the newer games. It’s like I’ve been reborn!

So to answer my question above: Yes. The PS4 has re-sparked my interest in next generation gaming!


Golden Age of Geekdom

What does it mean to be a geek in 2015?

The first thing that comes to mind is how differently people view geeks. When I was growing up, the terms “geek” and “nerd” still carried negative connotations. This is probably because games that were not physical were considered geeky or nerdy. (Both terms were used interchangeably when I was young.) To be accepted, you were physically active in sports. Playing table top games or even video games were still viewed in a negative light.

Being a geek in 2015 is now a common thing, and honestly, I’m ok with that.

Let me explain. I enjoy that my favorite things are a common sight in stores. I get to easily buy more of what I like. I also love that I run into more geeks in my everyday life since they are no longer ashamed for being the way they are. We don’t have to hide our geekiness in this day and age, and that’s a great thing.

Generations of geeks who were shamed are now grown and no longer afraid to show their true colors. In turn, they’ve taught younger geeks that it’s ok to be who they are. Basically we have generations of geeks that are no longer embarrassed to be geeks! Why should we be upset about that?

In no way do I mean that I’m ok with people pretending to be geeks in order to fit in.  There have always been people who lie to fit in. Even when I was young, people would do things out of their nature to be accepted. Today, that still happens. We have young people who want to fit in and being a geek is now one of those ways.

I will say, however, that a newbie may seem like a pretender. We may assume that because the person is unfamiliar with “X” subject that they’re a fake. This isn’t true, people! It may be that the person is simply new to that fandom, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’ll be the first to admit that while I am a fan of Ironman, I’m not super knowledgeable on the character. That doesn’t make me any less of a geek or fan.

In 2015, we can be loud and proud that we’re geeks. We are sitting smack dab in the middle of a golden age for geeks. Yes, I went there!  The geeks of the past have grown out of being timid and so younger generations feel like they can be themselves. We’re in a time where we can turn on the TV and watch shows on comic book heroes, step into any department stores and walk out with geeky clothes, and wear glasses without being called four-eyes! Instead of worrying about who is or isn’t a geek or that anyone can be a geek (What a nightmare! <insert eye-roll>), we should be celebrating!

So while other geeks may be getting all worked up, I’ll be over here enjoying the fact that I get to live in this golden age!

Geeks Get Fit!

You may be under the assumption (or not) that geeks aren’t fit people — That they sit around with their video games, comics, and/or books doing nothing most of the time.


There are actually a lot of fit geeks and quite a community of them. From dedicated cosplayers to geeks that live the healthy life, there are so many resources for you should you want to join them!

One such resource is Nerd Fitness. (Clicky!)

The creator, Steve, has put together an awesome website with a blog, forum, his own set of resources, and finally, the Nerd Fitness Academy. The NF Academy is where it’s at, ladies and gentleman. Imagine you could gain experience and level up by doing quests that apply to your real life and that’s what this academy is. You pay a one-time fee and have full access to all of the website’s features for life. This includes a 100% money-back guarantee.

There are even several Tumblr pages dedicated to geek fitness such as:





Also, let’s not forget blogs! 😀

One of my favorites is the blog: Geek Fitness

Geek Fitness is the blog linked to the first tumblr above, but if you like to read as well as appreciate pictures, then the blog version is for you!

And, a blogspot: Geek Fitness Network

Beyond that, geeks have quite a collection of work out attire available to them! If you followed me on Geeky ‘n Girly, you may remember me mentioning Look Human – Which has a huge selection of geeky work out clothes that include some of my favorites:

Trust me when I say that I have a huge list of work out tanks, shirts, and sweatshirts that I want, no need, to buy. Haha.

Why do I need them? Why am I jabbering on about geek fitness? Well, because I am a geek with my health on my mind. I’m not the type to diet and exercise just to reach a goal and then stop. I’m currently in the midst of making an entire lifestyle change as well as doing a walk-to-run exercise program. — And this is coming from a girl that didn’t play sports, disliked gym, and was relieved that marching band took the place of gym in high school!

So be prepared for more fitness posts as I track my progress and try to encourage other geeks to get fit too!


Beauty Hacks: Tried and Proven

Over the years, I’ve come across a lot of easy beauty tricks. I’m not the type of girl to spend hours perfecting my look, and I don’t always have a lot of time to begin with.

So, here’s a few of the tricks I’ve tried and now use regularly!

 Baby powder to get rid of excess oil in your hair.

I can’t stress enough how much I needed to know this years ago. If you have oily skin like I do, then you know how frustrating it can be to take a shower and not even a day later look like you just ran a marathon. This can also be magnified if you have thin hair. (I do!) So, what you do is apply baby powder directly to your scalp. I prefer to put it on my hands first and then work it in since I don’t want baby powder all over my hair.

Don’t go crazy with the amount of powder. Work in small amounts instead of dousing your hair otherwise it may wash out the color of your hair.

For darker hair: Mix in cocoa powder or do a mixture of cocoa powder and arrowroot.


Hair twist to get your bangs out of your face.

I learned this little trick because I often have bangs and don’t always want them in my eyes. It is amazingly simple and you don’t even have to be good at braiding! (Yay!)

And here’s the original video!

Mascara to replace eye liner.

Ever run out of eye liner? Yeah, it happens.

Just take your eye liner brush and run it along the wand or brush of your mascara and apply!

I would really only ever do this with waterproof as the other kind tends to smear rather easily.


Apply concealer in a “V” to avoid reverse raccoon eyes.

This is a must! I don’t know how I ever used concealer without knowing this!

Simply apply dabs of concealer in a “V” shape and blend in. This method helps conceal dark circles and imperfections better than any other.


For Cupid’s Bow lips, draw an ‘x’ with lipstick or liner.

I’m not a lipstick girl. I rarely wear lipstick, but when I do I want it to look like I always wear it.

Drawing an ‘x’ with your liner or lipstick before applying the lipstick fully will help you create the perfect Cupid’s Bow shape!


Lemon and Aspirin for treating pimples.

I’ll never forget the week before my first date with my now boyfriend. I broke out. It was my worst nightmare. Three huge ugly pimples came out of nowhere, and I didn’t have the money for any of the expensive spot treatments from anything brand name.

In the nature of a true geek, I turned to the internet and discovered a home-remedy for spot treating those sudden blemishes.

You need:

  • Lemon
  • Uncoated Aspirin
  • Baking Soda

For spot treating, follow these instructions:

  1. Mash up 2-4 non-coated aspirins and combine with freshly squeeze lemon juice.
  2. Let the aspirin dissolve until it turns into a paste.
  3. Apply the mask to your skin and leave it on for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the face mask by dipping a cotton round in some baking soda and some water.

For a mask:

  1. Mash up 6-12.
  2. Follow steps 2-3 in the above instructions.

That’s it for now.

When I come across other great beauty hacks, I will definitely post them!


10 Quick Tips about Geek Girls


Thought I’d throw out some short and sweet advice on females of my variety.

  1. We’re not all tomboys.
  2. We don’t all cosplay.
  3. We all have our own niche(s), and they’re all different.
  4. We don’t enjoy our geekiness (or anything else) being evaluated by geek guys. (We don’t need their validations.)
  5. We can be girly.
  6. Our skills are often just as good if not better than geek guys.
  7. We’re not unicorns! (Even if some of us may wish we were.)
  8. Geek guys: You can talk to us. We don’t bite ..hard.
  9. We don’t have a hidden agenda by being/claiming to be a geek. (All the fake geek girl crap: Who cares?)
  10. We just want to have fun!

If you think I’m so very wrong or you agree with me, let me know below!

Also, something funny:

fake_geek_girl_by_rangyrougee-d5nc70h (2)



Adventures in FFXIV: ARR

This is what my Saturday looks like so far:


It’s looking pretty good if I do say so myself.

Also, let me introduce everyone to my FFXIV character, Ceren Alstrahl.


She may or may not resemble me.. somewhat. A little. Only prettier.

Anyhow, I play on Sargatanas if anyone is curious. If you’re on that server, feel free to send me a /tell.

I promise to be nice!

The plan of action for today is to plow through the main storyline quests and get caught up. I have a tendency to get distracted by how very awesome and beautiful this game is and do random things in game. Oh well, what can I say? I have fun!


10 Most Memorable Final Fantasy Creatures

Ok, so I love the Final Fantasy series. Everyone should just know that right now. I also have Final Fantasy on the brain as I’m actively playing FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. (I play on the Sargatanas server.)

I have been an avid Final Fantasy fan since the very beginning. Now, I didn’t play them in order, but I have played most of them. This was mostly due to the fact that the first was released a year after I was born. Another reason is because I’m the second child. I’m Player 2. Big brother didn’t really let me play his consoles much, and my parents were more concerned with buying me “girl” toys. However, despite all their efforts I became interested in gaming. Half of this was through playing as Player 2. The other half was RPG’s, and Final Fantasy was it for me.

Let’s just say that Final Fantasy has always held a special place in my heart. From their wonderful storylines, heroic characters, addicting gameplay, to its beautiful music (Thank you, Nobuo Uematsu), and colorful creatures, they’ve always captivated me!

Speaking of those creatures, here’s a list of the ten most memorable and probably most recognizable of them! (This list isn’t in any specific order, FYI.)





















If I’ve left one out, do comment below. And shame on me!

Also, I’d love to hear from any other Final Fantasy fans, their history with the series, what they love about it, ect.



Hello, hello.

I would like to introduce myself!

My name is Britney. I was born in San Diego, CA, but was raised and continue to reside in TX. My childhood was an interesting one. I was raised on 10 acres of mostly uncultivated land and so I like to joke that I was a wild child. Truth is that the outdoors wer my main form of entertainment for many years. I climbed trees, collected rocks, the works,and had tons of pets ranging from hamsters to horses. So naturally I’ve grown into quite a nature lover.

At the same time, my family already owned the original NES when I was born. You could say I was destined to be somewhat geeky. (Who would’ve thought I would turn out quite this geeky?) But I digress. Of course, my brother lost interest in the great outdoors before I did and took to staying inside with a controller in his hand. So to appease him and entertain myself, I started to play video games with him. Player 2, of course.

That bit of gaming turned me to the geeky side. Since then I have taken on several hobbies. I have played tons of video games on console and PC, but currently only play FFXIV: ARR. I am an avid reader of mostly fantasy fiction and sci-fi fiction novels. I craft here and there; making perler bead sprites, painting keepsake boxes, and teaching myself to crochet. I have a good deal of Magic: The Gathering cards that are unfortunately collecting dust as I have no one to play with. I also have quite a collection of geeky merchandise pertaining to Final Fantasy, Mario, Harry Potter, and many other fandoms.

I am a young woman of many hobbies, interests, and passions! Yes I am geeky, but that’s not all. (Hence the blog name!) I enjoy fashion and trying new make-up. I love learning about other cultures, history, and language. I can’t live without music, and therefore dancing is a favorite. Oh, and writing, of course!

I wanted to mention that I am not entirely new to blogging. My first blog formed from a partnership with a good friend of mine and was called Geeky ‘n Girly. Because she and I wanted to branch off on our own, we are retiring Geeky ‘n Girly.

What will you see here as far as content? Everything. Video games, anime, music, pop culture, geek culture, books, hair product reviews, make up reviews, geeky merchandise, fitness, outdoors, jewelry, crafting, ect

That’s it in a nutshell, I think. If you have any questions or are curious about anything, do ask. I hope that if you’ve read this far, you’ll subscribe and visit again!
